Wednesday, 16 November 2011

The Fool

I got the fool knocked into me today
But to my dismay, it felt familiar. 


  1. You made me smile. Very nice two line poem. I'm impressed.

  2. Not sure if its much of a poem, but thank you anyway (=

  3. We all carry that fool around inside of us. Doesn't take much of a jolt to bring him to the surface.

  4. Neat and nice
    provokes smile
    Deep and concise
    terrific in its wile!

    Sorry, this is worst than a hangover, but I could not resist temptation!!

    Your two lines are really great, AfterTim!!

    They feed thoughts into the soul!!

  5. @nothingprofound: Indeed we all somehow do. If only we didn't.

    @untony: Nice poetic reply! Had no idea those two lines could feed thoughts into the soul, but thank you nevertheless, you are far too kind.

  6. Haha, nice one! It's true we realize from time to time how much we don't know...we all have those moments :) I enjoyed it!

  7. That's very true. Thanks for dropping by!

  8. I always thought that to know when the fool knocks your door is to be on alert in the soul, if you do not realize the fool is knocking and getting into your inner self you are in trouble.

    And this is feeding thoughts into oneself, I guess! :))

    You ARE an excellent poet, AT!

  9. Untony, I'm amazed at how much thought you put when interpreting a piece. Very thought provoking, and I couldn't agree more with you. Thank you again! Look forward to hearing from you more!

  10. Oh - so wise !
    You made me smile.. :))
    It always impresses when something expressed so nicely in few words - simply great !

  11. The honour of expressing in few words belongs to you, Kitty, not me (=.

    Thank you for your kind comment, anyhow. Look forward to hear from you more.


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